Lesson 1 Grammar

Grammar: Punctuation 1


Punctuation in English.
The use of proper punctuation often confuses even the best.
Whereas putting a comma in the wrong spot is sometimes acceptable, some incorrect uses can not be forgiven.

Go through the next tabs and finally test yourself using multiple choice questions.

Punctuation in English  1           
© GFH Schmittinger 2012
Capital Letters
1. the first letter in a sentence
The man walked home.

2. all names (people, places, countries, days, months)
Peter, Stuttgart, Germany, Monday, March 

3. abbreviations and acronyms
SMS, VAT (all letters)

4. titles of books, films etc.
Winnetou, The Golden Goblet

5. the personal pronoun I
Do you know who I am?

Look at the following texts and apply the proper punctuation:

Multiple Choice Q & A

Test yourself.


The Use of Capital Letters

Select the correct answer......

1 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

1. The title of the film was .....

2 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

2. Select the correct sentence!

3 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

3. Do you come on ......

4 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

4. I have a .....

5 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

5. I will come to see you on ........

6 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

6. Which of the following is correct?

7 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

7. In Germany one has to pay 19% ......

8 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

8. We developed a new ......

9 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

9. Select the correct sentence!

10 / 10

Category: Capital Letters

10. Do you know who .....

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